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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lauraine Snelling fans...

A Dream Come True...

About two years ago, when Sara Lee Hoselton and Lauraine Snelling were brainstorming ideas for Blessing Square in Drayton, North Dakota, I jokingly—sort of—said, "What do you think about turning the Red River books into a play?” She had already written two musicals for other Drayton productions. She shook her head and demurred. "I've decided not to do anymore after the last one."

We left it there. A few weeks later, however, she presented an outline using the first three books of the Red River series: An Untamed Land, A New Day Rising, and Land to Call Home. That outline has turned into the "Bound for Blessing" play to be performed in Drayton, North Dakota during Riverfest in July.

"The day I was notified it was a go for this year, I was speechless, but not for long." Snelling says.

For more information check out OxCart Trail Days.


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